Monday, November 8, 2010


We as followers of Christ are called to be ministers.  Ministers of the gospel, which is the Good News.  What is the Good News you ask?   It is pretty amazing really!

"That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord,
 and believe in your heart that God raised Him
from the dead, you will be saved."
Romans 10:9

I am a ministry minded person, my spiritual gifting is not evangelism, although I am called to give account of what I believe.  But I am an acts of service kind of person.  I love to DO things for people, whether that is to cook, clean, rub out tired muscles, hug, cry with some one who is hurting, bring comfort to someone who just needs a partner to come alongside them, play some songs to lead hearts into worship, even make hats for those who don't have auntie's or grandma's to make them something special.  It has been hard for me to put a "price" on these hats, it is much easier to give them away.  I have been afraid that it would take the ministry aspect out of what the Lord has filled my hands with for this season.  But I have come to realize that no matter where I go, I am always ministering.  And that is NOT going to change.  My greatest gift to you is to lift you up in prayer to the Lord who is able to do anything in anyone.  The hats are simply the cherry on top.  So please know that you are being prayed over and as the Lord shows me how to pray for you, just know that He loves you so very very much and so do I!

Please feel free to email with prayer requests or even updates on things we have allready prayed for.  Let's encourage each in the Lord!

A New Begining

Well it's time to move into a new season.  I am still in the process of figuring out exactly what I am doing with this little hobby/business of mine.  But my hope is to simplify things a bit for you and me.  I now have an online store to make shopping a bit easier.  But if you prefer, you can also email me and let me know what you like.  I do take checks and if you would prefer to do that my address is:

Andrea Bell
14485 SW Beef Bend Rd.  J3
Tigard, Or  97223

I have quite a few "customers", gosh that seems still seems strange to me, who prefer this method.  So don't feel bad if you are one of them.  I love ALL the people I am so blessed to pray over and create things for!

Thank you much for your patience and for spending the time to check out my little blog.